Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Goodie Bags

On the way home from the dentist today, the boys asked for the bags with the toothbrush, floss, toothpaste, etc., so they could look through it all. I said I'd give it to them when we got home, but then thought Oh what the heck, here. So I tossed them back to them, and Sarah and I talked the rest of the way home. Five minutes later when we stopped and turned to unbuckle Matthew, we found half a tube of Colgate Kids Bubblegum flavored toothpaste squeezed out and rubbed all over his leg...


Mama Hoggett said...

Using it as lotion is better than eating it, right? :)

Chris said...

It went on long enough before we noticed that I was worried he might have eaten quite a bit of it. I was trying to visualize how much was on his leg v. how much was missing from the tube. Not an easy task. He assured me he didn't eat any...