Monday, March 23, 2009

Matthew is VERY happy...

...for Amy and Omar.

Who's Got Next

Triple threat:

Way too fast to be guarded (or photographed):

Joshua played pirates while Michael "practiced":

Major Tom (and co-pilot)

We went to the (underwhelming) Goddard Space Museum a couple of weeks ago. The boys were UNIMPRESSED with astronaut ice cream. Go figure.

Crouching Tiger

Ninja's fight ALL the time.

Say hello to my little friend

Matthew met this guy at Joshua's school:

This Cage Can't Hold Me

We'll get a pic of this soon enough, but Matthew has decided that he's outgrown his crib. Started climbing out over the weekend. Only one tough fall; he seems to really have the hang of it. Too bad, really, cause he'd just gotten comfortable going to sleep on his own - we'd read, put him in the crib, close the door and that was that. Alas, no more apparently.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The difference a couple of weeks makes

From snow to 75 and sunny in WV. Hung the boys' swing:

Sarah whipped up some delicious elbows in cream sauce with bacon, peas, corn and pearl onions...

...Matthew, who has gotten the hang of the whole feeding-yourself thing, and who knows what he likes.

Michael and I had both been a bit under the weather but at least one of us seems better:

Monday, March 2, 2009


Monday morning the boys woke up to find SNOW outside their windows! After I got home from work Matthew and I took a nap while Chris took the boys sledding at the Elementary school. Here are some video clips and photos Chris took:

(Turned out Michael was at the beginning of getting sick - took turns enjoying sledding and being in a fever-induced coma...)